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Nickname: Jovi
Sign: Scorpio
Location: WV !!!
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Nickname: Jovi
Sign: Scorpio
Location: WV !!!
*e-mail me!*
My Blogs:
My Photos
My Books
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My Profile
Freddie's Blog
Philly Phil's
The Velvet Blog
Adventures of a Domestic Engineer
Yeah, I'm A Cat
24 Addict
Ponytailed Conservative
One Happy dog Speaks
Boudicca's Voice
It's All About Me, Or Is It?
The Introverted Exhibitionist
Randon Neuron Firings
I Need A Name For This Blog
July 2004
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Steelers. Snow & Oops
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
For anyone who may not have heard... Once again my Pittsburgh Steelers are Super Bowl Bound! Yay! - Happy Happy Joy Joy! - Oyi! - and how I miss Myron Cope. Now all I need is some way of actually being able to watch the game--- lost cable a while back... so sad.
I need to find a Super Bowl Party!
Once again we are being smothered in a foggy cloud of ice & snow. My granddaughters having just recently moved here to West Virginia, are having fun with the "newness" of it all! If I were their age I would be too, but right now my cold feet are wishing for another pair or two of socks. The only true good thing that I can find to say about today's dumping of this stuff is that I do not have to be out driving in it.
The 'why not?' is the Oops part of this post.
Sooo... love my customer rep. job and have been just moving up the ranks in hopes of eventually having a manager-type position. Doing really well with it . . . until the Oops.
Somehow I fractured my right elbow and the break is pinching a nerve (causing twice as much pain as just a tiny fracture would) and I am now on a medical leave of absence.
Just to make it a slightly bigger Oops, I am right-handed and one could be really be suprised at how often our elbows aid us in just simply holding a cup of coffee (which can cause a stabbing pain up the arm a few shades darker than a normal "Ouch! - explitive deleted") or a pen. I try to remember to not use the right hand for anything but old lifelong habits can be hard to break. Sigh... what a lovely Oops.
Think I need a cup of Left-handed coffe.
Jovianne ~ 5:53 PM
True or False
Thursday, January 13, 2011
True or False
*The Monongahelia River is the only North flowing river in the Continental United States.
*Pittsburgh (PA) is the only city in the United States that the 'burgh' is spelled with the ending of 'gh'.
*One out of every five miles of Interstate is straight & level, no matter what state it runs through. (If True, do you know why?)
Coffee time.
Jovianne ~ 11:35 AM
It's Still Snowing & I'm a Bit Bored
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
The weather outside is snowing
The wind is blizzardly blowing
My wind chimes are now in the street
It's still snowing
The cats refuse to leave their bed
Sleeping in front of the space heater instead
Too snuggly to even play
It's still snowing
The quiet of the snow can be nice
Not so much though all the ice
Shows no sign of stopping
It's still snowing. . .
and I am almost out of coffee.
Jovi : )
Jovianne ~ 10:48 PM
Happy Hell... My blog is actually still here in cyberspace. I don't believe it.
So, where have I been - what has been going on - and how is everyone else???
Still living in my lovely mountains of West Virginia & waiting on a snowstorm that should dump about 6-8 inches of snow today... again. Working for a national bank doing the customer service 800 line 8 hours a day, learning how many different ways there are to tell people that Yes, when your account is overdrawn you will be charged an overdraft fee to try and educate you that it is not a sign of intelligence to spend what you don't have for a stupid pack of cigarettes! Working with the Online Banking customers is fun however.
I still have the Terrible Trio of cats - sorry Freddie! - and currently am trying to find a home for two little fluffballs that someone dumped on my porch a couple of weeks ago. NO, I am not keeping them, but I will not turn them out in the dead of winter to freeze or starve to death.
Younger son Nick is still alive and well. College has been a bit of a challenge for him but he likes it - lots of lovely co-eds to study with. My older son Bryce has blessed me with another gorgeous granddaughter and he and family have finally moved to WV, about 3 hours from here so I get to visit them alot! Maybe one of these days I can get a current photo of them on here.
So I guess life is doing okay and moving on as it should.
Time for coffe!
Jovi :)
Jovianne ~ 11:00 AM

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