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Nickname: Jovi
Sign: Scorpio
Location: WV !!!
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Wednesday, July 28, 2004
I don't know if anyone has been keeping up with my Dork Reports (aka my son's dad who resides in Texas) but we finally heard from him, via email this afternoon as to his decision regarding son's college career.
Quick Review:
Son wants to go to a local college (West Virginia University) and major in forensics.
He graduated from H.S. this past June with a G.P.A. of 4.61. (did the happy-happy-joy-joy-I-am-so-proud-of-you-dance on that one for weeks)
He has spent the past year and a half researching schools thru the internet, and tours of local ones and I feel as if he has made a wise, sound decision.
Now,I do get child support from The Dork.
I will openly admit that except for 3 times over the past 16 years(that is how long I've been divorced)the payments came thru regularly.(SP?)
The Dork has always maintained thru-out the years that he was also saving for son's college, and would continue to send support as long as son was in school.
He informed son last summer that he has a car for him for school.
Last month, son informed Dad of his choice of colleges.
Dad (The Dork) wigged out.
He feels that son will be wasting his chance at a good education by his choice of school, and by his major.
In other words Dad does not approve.
He cut off all of son's money last month and informed son that there would be no more unless he reconsidered his options.
Son reconsidered and is remaining firm in his choice.
So. . . . . (whew) here we are now:
Dad has emailed son and told him that there will be no money, no car, no nothing unless son moves to TX and lives with dad and attends a college down there.
He states that he is doing this in son's best interests. (bite me)
He says he does not stand by son with his decision.
So son wrote him back and told him to pretty much 'shove it' that he is NOT changing his mind, that he does NOT wish to live in TX, that he does NOT wish to move in with dad and that he will make it without dad's aid.
I am very proud of my son, for all that he has accomplished and I only hope that his anger towards his dad eases in time but geeeeesh. . . his dad rates at the top of the Dork list, if you ask me.
The 'twist' to all of this?
Both dad and I are graduates of WVU
Both our parents taught there for centuries.
It is the family school
So what in the happy hell is the Dork's major problem?
anyhoo. . . that is the final chapter, I think, in this mess.
Jovianne ~ 7:14 PM

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